Mastering Solar Power |
Attendees will leave with a good understanding the key factors from an integrated, multidisciplinary and commercial viewpoint, including: target market analysis, economic competitiveness, channels-to-market, financing influences and risk, project development processes, best practices and emerging technologies. The course schedule includes time to work in groups to apply the learning and illustrate key project development considerations, by discussing, developing and quantifying an initial business proposal for a solar PV power plant. To do so, attendees will utilise energy yield, financial and other simple calculations, along with the chance to debate key planning and market environment considerations. In keeping with the business-focused theme of the course, these illustrative exercises are designed to provide time-efficient clarification of the key course takeaways, aimed at commercially-focused business developers and investors. They are therefore accessible to nonexperts, not designed to replicate the complex or in-depth detailed planning undertaken - over much longer periods! - by engineers and technical teams. |
Location : Singapore Contact : COURSES |
To register/enquire, please contact: Abigail Harris Infocus International Group Tel: +65 6325 0215 | Email: abigail [at] infocusinternational [dot] com |